File-based Encryptors

Encryption Solutions For File-Based Content

VideoPropulsion offers a number of file-based encryptors used for encrypting digital video assets for use in video-on-demand applications in hospitality and other commercial markets.

File hased encrpytors are avilalable for Pro:Idiom and SammsungLYNK. VideoPropulsion can create other file-based encryptors using an AES-128 scheme, DVB-CI/CSA, or proprietary encryptions.

Contact us about creating a custom file-base enryptor based on your requirements!

Pro:Idiom File-Based Encryptor (X1PI)

The X1PI is a file-based encryptor offering Pro:Idiom encryption.

SamsungLYNK File-Based Encryptor (X1SL)

The X1SL is a file-based encryptor offering SamsungLYNK encryption.

Pro:Idiom + SamsungLYNK File-Based Encryptor (X1PI+SL)

The X1PI+SL is a file-based encryptor offering Pro:Idiom & SamsungLYNK encryption.